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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Online
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
VIDEO: Texas Cops Let Sick 7-Year-Old Play Batman For a Day

This really is most likely the very best unauthorized viral marketing the Dark Dark night Increases could ever expect: Government bodies in Arlington, Texas, yesterday satisfied a 7-year-old leukemia patient's need to be Batman for any day. Yes, there's video, company, it's awesome. No, it had not been shot in IMAX, and also the press in this area do wander interior and exterior frame. Production values schmoduction values But as charitable public services-meet-large-scale cultural tributes go, it's pretty adorable. Little Batman and Robin! Also: The Joker is kinda good, no? Anyway, a minimum of stay around for that unmasking. Sniff.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 12:24 PM EDT

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