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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Online
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Prometheus will receive an R rating

Prometheus is going to be ranked R, based on Collider, who've got their hands upon a pre-purchase ticket stub promising the type of porn that made Alien this type of nerve-jangling success.Fox have always maintained the film wouldn't be mucked around with to be able to acquire a larger certificate, and it appears that they have been just like their word in the event that little "R" around the stub will be thought."I'm able to assure the fans absolutely they are able to go the film won't be jeopardized in either case,Inch stated Fox Boss Tom Rothman recently. "Therefore if this means that the film is R, then it will be an R. Whether it's PG-13, then it will be a PG-13. But it won't be jeopardized."To tell the truth, getting seen the most recent trailer, the certification should not come because an unexpected. We are considering one scene particularly where a crew members's helmet-clad mind seems to break down in on itself within an ashy mess... it did not look PG-13 to us!Prometheus will open within the United kingdom on 1 June 2012. Not lengthy to visit now until Mister Ridley puts us with the mill once again...

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 10:03 PM EDT

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