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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Online
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Zero Dark Thirty: Did Mark Boal Meet One of the Men Who Killed Osama Bin Laden?

Look what arrived on the scene of that right-wing saber-rattling in The month of january: "Based on documents acquired by Judicial Watch, the Whitened House, Defense Department and CIA all offered rare, otherwise unparalleled, use of Boal and [Kathryn] Bigelow. The access incorporated a led tour of the secret CIA planning facility known as The Vault and connecting Boal track of exactly what a Defense Department official referred to as 'a planner, SEAL Team 6 operator and commander.' The only real restriction was that Boal not disclose the SEAL's title." Meanwhile, America's "top commando officer" declines everything: "We do not possess a partnership [...] I've no interaction with no one on my small staff has any interaction with -- what's her title? Bigelow?" [Danger Room]

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 12:13 AM EDT

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