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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Online
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Best Superhero Film Ever - watch The Avengers online for free

The best superhero movie ever. Its entertaining, fresh, humorous and clever. I like to watch The Avengers online for free. All the superheros who appear in the film are fantastic, they are all included in the film equally so you don't really get the sense of a main character which is good.

Captain America was awesome, he takes leadership of the team during the end fight scene which is really cool, we see him really kick some ass in this film but I felt his costume looked a little rubbish compared to his original costume in 'Captain America'.

Thor didn't fail to impress, his costume was awesome but would of liked to of seen him wear his helmet in both the avengers and his own film like he does in the comics. His fight scene with Hulk was crazy, so good!!! Iron Man was awesome, he provided witty sarcasm that lightened the mood, he had some incredible action scenes and the special effects of his costume attaching itself to him in mid air was incredible.

I didn't think after watching the film that the Hulk would be my favorite character but he was, the film really changed when the Hulk was unleashed, he was destructive and powerful and was a force to be reckoned with in the film. The fight scene between him and Loki was hilarious! (well if you call it fighting, it was more like hulk playing with a toy) Black Widow was wicked, had some bad ass fighting moves which contributed to the film massively. And she was super hot! And had some kick ass fight scenes.

I didn't really think the movie needed Hawkeye but I was wrong, he was a really cool addition to the film and featured in the storyline massively and had some awesome action scenes at the end. I didn't think there was ever going to be a superhero movie which rivaled that of 'The Dark Knight' but there is and its called 'Avengers Assemble'!!!!!

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 11:07 PM EDT

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