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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Online
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Hemsworth Not An American Assassin

Red Dawn - Chris HemsworthLooks like the team trying to drag Vince Flynn’s Mitch Rapp character to the screen are going to go back to the casting drawing board. For while Chris Hemsworth had been in talks to make the journey from Asgard to the role of the young Rapp, Deadline reports that he’s turned down the offer.American Assassin, which is sourced from Flynn’s Rapp novels, would chronicle the early years of the central hero, when he was a college athletics scholar. When a terrorist attack kills someone close to him, he signs on to hunt bad guys for the CIA.The film has Jeffrey Nachmanoff set to direct from a script currently credited to Mike Finch. And Bruce Willis apparently remains in negotiations to play Rapp’s mentor at the agency.Hemsworth had been considering the idea of starring, but his increasingly busy schedule proved to be the roadblock. He’s currently close to finishing work on Thor: The Dark World, then he’ll move onto Steven Spielberg’s Robopocalypse. After that, he has a little movie called The Avengers 2 likely to eat up a chunk of his free time.So while we can't write our threatened "Rapp Star" headline just yet, it's coming people... It is inevitable.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 4:56 AM EST
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Watch The Dark Knight Rises Movie Online - A satisfying conclusion to a classic trilogy

What is fundamentally the most impressive thing about The Dark Knight Rises is that director Christopher Nolan approached the project with the intention of creating a satisfying conclusion to the story built up in the previous two films, and that is exactly what this film is. The film fulfils its very goal, and is an incredibly satisfying ending to the story. If you are unwilling to accept this before seeing the film, you probably won't enjoy the film as much as I did.

Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight Gotham is enjoying a period of peace built on the lie which is 'The Harvey Dent Act', a lie which has eaten away at Bruce and Gordon for the last eight years. Gordon has been left to clean up Gotham without Batman's help, and Bruce has become a physically and mentally traumatised hermit living within the rebuilt Wayne Manor, confined to using a cane as a result of doing nothing for all that time. What is an instantly recognisable change from the film's predecessors is the speed in pacing, the film beginning with a brief speech by Gordon, moving on to an impressively visual and ambitious prologue sequence, then swiftly moving to a celebration at Wayne Manor in which the film introduces a number of new characters. Despite this fast-pacing and new-cast onslaught, the story felt like it was moving far too slowly, and I wondered when something was actually going to happen. Fortunately, both of these flaws can be explained, my instantly negative reaction to the fast-pacing being a negative in human nature as opposes to the film- this unforeseen change actually serves the movie well, allowing Christopher Nolan to make three hours fly-by. The slow-start soon picks up, and I understand it was a good, realistic decision to hold off on putting Bruce back into the bat-suit too early in the film, as the film's premise is questioning whether Batman should return, and what consequences this action will have. The onslaught of new characters does feel like they have been forced down the audience's throat, and non are given any real affective role to play, however the final resolve reveals all characters are fundamental to the plot.  In other words, patience whilst to watch The Dark Knight Rises Movie is the right thing to have.


My personal enjoyment of the film was not derived by the film itself so much as certain aspects of the film, namely Tom Hardy's outstanding portrayal as the villain Bane and the character in general. I had high hopes for Bane, being a fan of Hardy's work prior to watching the film, but being confident the character would not be as successful as Heath Ledger's untouchable performance as The Joker. Having watched the film I found Bane to be far more intriguing than I previously predicted as well as being just as quotable and thrilling to watch as The Joker, though Bane is a completely different kind of villain, the focus being on physical intimidation, sheer intelligence and his level of control over people. Though Hardy's performance is not at the same level as Ledger's and his performance is restricted by a mask covering half of his face, but his performance is anything but restrictive, an emphasis on physicality, conveying intimidation through body movements and emotion through his eyes, as well as a wonderfully memorable and unnerving voice, which has unfortunately been over-edited in post production. As well as the performance, Bane's origin story, or at least what little we learn from the film, is very intriguing; however I would have liked more emphasis on the character's origin , as Bane is, like all Batman's villains, a version of Batman himself. Anne Hathaway's performance as Selina Kyle can also not be commended enough, giving the best Selina Kyle/ Catwoman to date, her performance perfectly fitting in with Nolan's realistic vision of the character, her feisty yet sexy performance stealing each scene with elegance as Hardy steals it with intimidation.

Previous speculation and hype have given great expectation to the film being a revelatory masterpiece in terms of storyline. I always felt this sounded like a risky approach, and whilst there are moments of plot revelation, the film is never pretentious of itself, Nolan keeping true to his word of creating a story-based final instalment. Like the previous two, The Dark Knight Rises is an art-house movie posing as a summer blockbuster, the real focus being on the script and story, the action aiding the storyline- the exact opposite of a Michael Bay film. Watch The Dark Knight Rises Movie Online never insults the intelligence of the audience and, like Inception, expects the audience to keep up. In other words, Nolan has so much respect for his audience that he created this film with the idea that the audience is as his intelligent as himself. It is a wonderful story-based film, not overly-pretentious of itself whilst keeping viewers on edge the entire 2 hours and 45 minute run-time. Personally, I found this flew by, and would have gladly sat through at least another hour.

It has its flaws, and though I hate to say it, is not above criticism, but when truly appreciated for what it is, The Dark Knight Rises is a great film, and a poetic but satisfying conclusion to a classic trilogy, an emphasis on story as opposed to a revelatory-filled epic. Nolan has created not only the best 'Batman' movies ever made, but a classic trilogy that should be viewed first and foremost as art-house movies, secondly as Batman movies. The final chapter will leave you emotionally drained, but satisfied by the conclusion, as opposed to feeling exhausted by an overly-pretentious epic finale.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 3:36 AM EDT
Monday, 13 August 2012
Bourne Legacy Scores At US Box Office

The reviews might have been mixed, but American audiences were clearly prepared to revisit the Bourne world, although not in record-breaking amounts. The Bourne Legacy opened up to some solid $40.two million across water-feature a few days ago, with Will Ferrell and Zack Galifianakis' latest comedy left out it in the polls. The Campaign, a mix of satire and farce centered on a little-town election, released with $27.4 million.In third, former box office champion The Dark Dark night Increases ongoing to do well, adding $19.5 million for any $390.a million running total in america. It handled to battle another new arrival, the older-skewing Meryl Streep / Tommy Lee Johnson relationship comedy drama Hope Springs, which introduced in $15.six million for 4th place. Fifth place visited the 3rd outing for that Diary Of The Wimpy Kid franchise, Dog Days, which ended up from third with $8.two million.6th was Total Recall, which shows couple of indications of holding well, generating $8.a million. Ice Age: Continental Drift was seventh with $6.7 million, while Ted required eighth with $3.two million. At ninth we discover Step-up Revolution (known right here as Step-up 4: Miami Warmth), generating $2.8 million and rounding the top ten is really a tie between your Watch and also the Amazing Spider-Guy, both generating $2.two million.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 7:22 AM EDT
Monday, 6 August 2012
watch the hunger games movie online - Rips Off BATTLE ROYALE and suckers film-goers

In today's fast paced world Suzanne Collins takes the single idea of competition and twists it into a stunning metaphor for the battle for a place in society. Set in a fictional reality, the story tells of how in the early 22nd century America's economy collapsed and nearly 800.000 people were out of work, nearing 15% of the population. Seeing their chance, the students revolted against school and the system itself. Fearing the youth and the rise of teen violence, the adults along with the government passed the re-educational system also known as the BR Act. The story takes place approximately 5 years into the future after the Hunger Games act has been put in order, a group of rowdy ninth graders are chosen to play the Hunger Games. While the outer look of the Hunger Games may seem like a cheap excuse for pointless slaughter, the movie itself offers numerous views and critiques against the modern society in which we live in. From the opening scene with the stunning use of visual and audio techniques, when the winner of last years game is presented to the press, to the taunting instruction video in how to watch the hunger games movie online properly, the movie seems to take a bite at every aspect of the American and perhaps even the eastern culture. The elite hegemony taunts them sadistically once the game begins, the viewer is constantly kept aware of the situation in it, an almost deity like being informs the viewer every now and then of the contestants who have died in the brutal battle. Also a certain subconscious like text appears to the characters in times of need, this can be interpreted as the directors way of showing last thoughts that go through a dying contestants head before they finally die or the despair or motive of a contestant. The single scene in which a contestant that has been portrayed as a ruthless killer to the viewer dies, a single sentence makes the viewer re-think their opinion about her. Suzanne Collins is one of the most revered writers of so-called 'young adult' literature. Gary Ross directs her original story steadily without resorting into too many gimmicks of visual presentation and some scenes almost attain a film noir visuality. While certain moments are very Kubrick like, the movie is refreshingly different from the usual style of movie making, and perhaps in the hands of a younger director the movie possibly couldn't have made such valuable points that it now makes. In the US the movie received a mixed reception. While Ross wished that the movie would open for mostly all ages above 13, the censors believed that the brutality would not suit children that age and ordered a few light edits. Annoyed, Ross edited a new version of his film for he wished that younger audiences would see the movie for it's message, he succeeded and the movie opened then for audiences of 13 and above. What the censors did not see was that while Ross edited the movie so that many things were explained and made more understandable and the ending was changed to a more satisfying one, Ross actually added via computer technology more blood & flames into certain battles and some critics even consider that the edited version is even more brutal than the original. Ross uses surprisingly young actors unknown outside of The continental US to portray the out of control youths who are chosen to the game. This mainly is that he wanted to show the American youth that where being over competitive can lead to. Ross also uses veterans fromm Hollywood movies, Donald Sutherland portrays with unquestionable devotion the sadistic yet philosophic spirit of Snow, the president who oversees the Hunger Games programme. Sutherland's presentation rises well over the other actors mainly because of the talent that he has attained over the years of cinema and theatre, his other movie roles include the renowned 'M*A*S*H' and 'Oedipus the King' which he directed himself. Also the acting talents of the young rising star Jennifer Lawrence stand out of the crowd. The atmosphere in the movie can be compared even to the bleak and depressing image of George Orwell's '1984'. But while '1984' uses subtle yet depressing imagery to portray a society gone wrong, The Hunger Games focuses on shocking people into realizing the wrongs of the society that occupies our everyday lives, and while The Hunger Games may portray this in a surrealistic and over the top way, deep down it portrays a biting satire that really has something important to say.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 10:29 PM EDT
Bryan Singer Talks X-Men: First Class 2

We have known since a minimum of last November that the follow up to X-Males: Top Class is going ahead at Fox, with a lot of the cast set to come back, Simon Kinberg turning out a minumum of one draft from the script and director Matthew Vaughn once again calling the mutant shots. Now Bryan Singer went on record about a minimum of the title and possible tone from the movie, shedding official word that it's going to be subtitled Times Of Future Past. Browse the IGN video below.The title have been going swimming the rumour void since June when Fox registered it as being a website title. Now Singer verifies this news.The Uncanny X-Males: Times Of Future PastFirst released almost 30 years ago, the ambitious Times Of Future Past comic run had major implications for that X-Males story lines and triggered no little debate, having a tale of Cat Pryde visited by her future self and cautioned the forthcoming murder of Senator Kelly was determined to result in a future where mutants were interned in concentration camps and guarded by terrifying robot Sentinels. Kitty's role ended up being to change that background and keep mutants free - which demonstrated under easy. The end result was among the great X-Males story lines.Singer cautions the new film's script will not stick completely to that particular story. "It handles facets of that comic, but additionally newer and more effective things. I simply don't wish to give everything away." He hints he, Kinberg, Vaughn and co want look around the wider X-Males world as well as bring some connectivity between your Top Class group and the films, that is something which Kinberg first broached at Comic-Disadvantage.Nevertheless it shakes out, it may sound like you will find large plans afoot for that mutants...

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 2:37 AM EDT
Friday, 3 August 2012
American Reunion - watch American Reunion online for free

Nearly a decade later, this orthodox fourth installment of American PIE shuffles along with a reunion gimmick which encompasses almost exactly the same gags and repellent discomforts as in its groundbreaking first episode came around 1997, which makes one wonder the audience's laughing threshold is still on the par with the level 15 years ago.I think you should to watch American Reunion online for free.

There are ample laughters from A to Z, no one-liner or wisecrack, mainly generated by risqué pranks and lecherous sex-related pratfalls. I cannot deny that I had a great laughter while committing to the moment, but a post-mortem self-reflection does leave no trace of anything is worth chewing.

The entire cast has returned with new blood like Ali Cobrin, Katrina Bowden and Jay Harrington, but the highlights belong to doyens like Levy and Coolidge, also Rebecca De Mornay's surprisingly laughter-burst cameo is right on time.

Clearly boys are aging much well than their counterpart girl mates, which means both physical and psychological age, and there will always be a copious supply of luscious high school hotties coming on their way for straight horny males, while 30-ish girls/women could only be sidelined as wallflowers unless you're Mornay or Coolidge, whose cups of tea are beyond one's average nous (toy boy and widower respectively).

Along with the trends of HANGOVER series and Judd Apatow era, American REUNION is retrospectively profitable with its core audience's maturation, and if the future projects will keep the same pace, once in a decade, this franchise may thrive well as long as it will connect with the pulse of its generation.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 12:37 AM EDT
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Best Superhero Film Ever - watch The Avengers online for free

The best superhero movie ever. Its entertaining, fresh, humorous and clever. I like to watch The Avengers online for free. All the superheros who appear in the film are fantastic, they are all included in the film equally so you don't really get the sense of a main character which is good.

Captain America was awesome, he takes leadership of the team during the end fight scene which is really cool, we see him really kick some ass in this film but I felt his costume looked a little rubbish compared to his original costume in 'Captain America'.

Thor didn't fail to impress, his costume was awesome but would of liked to of seen him wear his helmet in both the avengers and his own film like he does in the comics. His fight scene with Hulk was crazy, so good!!! Iron Man was awesome, he provided witty sarcasm that lightened the mood, he had some incredible action scenes and the special effects of his costume attaching itself to him in mid air was incredible.

I didn't think after watching the film that the Hulk would be my favorite character but he was, the film really changed when the Hulk was unleashed, he was destructive and powerful and was a force to be reckoned with in the film. The fight scene between him and Loki was hilarious! (well if you call it fighting, it was more like hulk playing with a toy) Black Widow was wicked, had some bad ass fighting moves which contributed to the film massively. And she was super hot! And had some kick ass fight scenes.

I didn't really think the movie needed Hawkeye but I was wrong, he was a really cool addition to the film and featured in the storyline massively and had some awesome action scenes at the end. I didn't think there was ever going to be a superhero movie which rivaled that of 'The Dark Knight' but there is and its called 'Avengers Assemble'!!!!!

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 11:07 PM EDT
'Prometheus' Sequel Moves Toward 2014 Or 2015 Release

The Hollywood Reporter has put together a listing of the summer's movies which have already seen movement around the follow up front. The bit of news presently getting probably the most head lines is Fox's intend to proceed with a follow-as much as Ridley Scott's "Prometheus." Based on the trade, Fox and Scott are wanting to return to everything about the "Alien" quasi-prequel. The studio and also the director "positively are pushing" toward a "Prometheus" follow up and therefore are ending up in potential authors, because the original's co-author, Damon Lindelof, is off busy doing a million other activities right now. Despite the fact that Lindelof might be from the picture, Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender's mind have previously signed on, because of clauses within their original contracts. It appears like we might begin to see the further adventures of Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and David 8's disembodied mind. Fox's leader of production, Emma W, mentioned that although everybody involved really wants to perform the project, waiting for the best time is really a priority. "Ridley can be quite looking forward to the film, but we must understand it properly. We can not hurry it," she stated. It's unclear whether W meant awaiting Lindelof's schedule to obvious up, but we'll have to hang about until a minimum of 2014 or 2015 to determine what's next in the world. Whenever we spoken with Lindelof for that discharge of the initial, he stated that although the film is made to face by itself, seed products for any follow up were planted purposely. "The conversations that people had concerning the story of 'Prometheus' and just how it might finish were always predicated on the concept that there wouldn't be a follow up, that the follow up wasn't a formality, which the film itself needed to have a sense of being complete," Lindelof stated. "That being stated, we wanted the crowd to believe that, like, if there have been a follow up to 'Prometheus,' it can't be 'Alien.' "

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 2:36 AM EDT
Monday, 30 July 2012
'Breaking Bad' Creator Vince Gilligan Wants To Do A Western Next

As "Breaking Bad" progresses toward its destined-to-be-terrible ending, we are waiting for eagerly to determine how factor exercise for Walter Whitened, but we are most likely just like interested in exactly what the show's mastermind, Vince Gilligan, will start next. In the Saturn Honours, the fine guys from Collider spoken with Gilligan about where he'll set his sights after saying good-bye to Mr. Whitened. His answer could not have pleased us more. He really wants to perform a "pullout-all-the-stops Western." Offered. Find out more following the jump! We frankly love the concept, and Gilligan appears wanting to further explore the genre. "I would like to perform a Western. And actually I think about Breaking Bad like a Western in a lot of senses. We shoot in beautiful Albuquerque, Boise State Broncos. The enormous skies using the beautiful cumulus clouds and also the stark desert landscapes cause me to feel think about 'America,' " Gilligan told Collider. " Indeed [Billy the little one], probably the most famous western outlaws of yankee history, his stomping grounds were Boise State Broncos. And apparently Jesse James made his way available sooner or later. Additionally, there are all of this wonderful Western history that happens within the Southwest and mainly in Boise State Broncos. Personally i think lucky that people shoot there and I'd love following this is over simply to perform a full-out, pullout-all-the-stops Western." At this time, we'd virtually blindly follow Gilligan anywhere he selects to visit next, but the thought of a Western from him only allow it to be simpler.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 12:47 AM EDT
Friday, 27 July 2012
Empire's New Hobbit Issue Is Here!

The Hobbit feature opener within this month's issueIf you've had a hard week to date, it's going to get a great deal better. Empire's new problem hits newsstands today, and we are leading having a fresh consider the Hobbit, Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis speaking us through their shared pivotal scene. Here's our exclusive cover, a brand new still in the film along with a behind-the-moments take a look at Serkis and Freeman together.Problem 279Elsewhere within an problem that's more packed compared to Jubilee line after an Olympic games event, we provide you with an entire set of Dredd, contrast Frankenweenie and ParaNorman, get bumped track of The Sweeney, talk Taken 2 with Liam Neeson, and sit lower with Keira Knightley and Oliver Stone to discuss their latest films.We have an initial take a look at L'ensemble des Miserables, Hurry and Riddick, and challenge Jackie Chan to inform us the cost of the pint of milk.The brand new problem is on newsstands today, or perhaps in the Apple store for individuals individuals following the iPad edition - both original United kingdom flavour and new US edition - plainly 5pm today.

Posted by harrypotter7fullonline at 12:36 AM EDT

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